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Past Events 2003

December 3rd

The December meeting saw a good turnout with nine members bringing displays of "Something beginning with K" Subjects included Kemel Ataturk of Turkey, Ships of the Bombay Sea Posts, German stamps of Kassal and Kolon. King George V1 Postal Stationary, K.G.V.Silver Jubilee of Gambia. King Penguins, Correspondence from Katmandu, Kestrels and Kites, and finally Geoffrey Williams showed Burma Postcards Linking Peter Klier, Talbot Kelly, with The road to Mandalay by Rudyard Kipling bringing the evening to a Grand Finale.

November 5th

Alistair Kinnon was the Speaker for the evening and he bought along a collection of Valueless stamps, These were not stamps of no value but stamps that had no value indicated on their face, We are all familiar with the modern Non-value indicator (NVI) stamps, which are in regular use but Alistair's collection started with a selection of the Lady McLeod issue of Trinidad from 24th April 1847 and ran through to the modern issues of today, It included Cinderella issues, Forgeries, official Mail, poached Eggs, varieties and sponsored stamps. In all 180 sheets.

October 1st

Tony Bosworth came all the way from Maidstone to display Croatia (Not Poland as Programmed) His collection included some rare items and started from 10th April 1941 when the country of Croatia was created, All aspects of Philately were covered and items included Colour trials, Miniature sheets, and mail from the Concentration Camps. Members agreed that it would be nice to have Tony back some time in the future to show his display of Poland.

September 3rd

An evening of Browsing and Buying, Members bought along their unwanted items for sale, A Mini auction followed the break and around 60 Items were sold to successful bidders.

June 4th - AGM Followed by members display

The AGM saw a change of Secretary as Shirley will be moving to Bakewell, Bert Dunn is our new Secretary and all other officers agreed to keep their posts, we also welcome Bruce Brenan onto the Committee. After the break members gave displays which started either with I or J and in two instances both, with the Island of Jersey.

May 7th - David Wilson, "Quite a lot about not very Much"

The title of the evenings entertainment should have read "Quite a lot about Quite a lot" as David's display started with the early days of the postal service and ran through to the present day covering all aspects including Postal History, Postal stationery meter marks, forgeries and some quite rare items from world war II, The story was told in a most professional way and he kept the audience spellbound throughout the evening

May 2nd - Visit to the Hemel Hempstead Society

Six members traveled from the Leighton Buzzard Society, Three to give displays and three to support. Alan Crozier showed his stamps of Germany mainly from the WW1 period, Roy Palmer showed some of his extensive collection of Pre-paid envelopes of Great Britain, and Richard Page showed Birds of Prey.

April 26th 2003 - East Midland East Anglia Philatelic Federation Convention, Lincoln.

Members of the Leighton Buzzard Society secured fourth place overall in the Annual federation Competition, Brian Allcock came third in the Postal History section with his entry of "Aden Paquebot cancellations", Richard Page came third in the Thematic section with "Bids of Prey" and Roy Palmer gained a Silver award for his entry of "Great Britain" in the One Country section

April 2nd 2003 - Visit from Aylesbury Philatelic Society

Three members of the Aylesbury Society came along to give three very different but extremely interesting displays, Giles Duboulay was the first to take the floor with his display of Danzig to World War 2 Items included Stamps, some Polish overprints, Post cards, Letters including a Christmas card to Adolph Hitler, and Propaganda leaflets, sheets were superbly written and told the story from the creation of Danzig in January 1920 to the German occupation in 1939.

Next to take the floor was Barry Atkins with a very colourful display of Austrian Sheets almost all were mint, with most items difficult to obtain this side of the English channel, His collection was complete from 1933 to the present day, although not all were displayed on the night.

To end the evening Michael Pitt-Payne filled all of our six boards with his Postage Dues of Great Britain, Michael is an expert in this field and has recently had an article published in "Stamp Lover" His display consisted of all used on cover from Pre Postage stamp days to date.

A well attended meeting and everyone agreed it was a most enjoyable evening.

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