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Past Events 2002

April 10th - Pauline Avery: Penguins.

Pauline is a member of the Leighton Buzzard Society, and now lives in Kent. She now works for Stanley Gibbons which gives her access to the many stamps needed to keep her vast collection of Penguin stamps up to date. Her collection covers all the eight species of penguin, although some sub-species have yet to be featured on stamps. Members were impressed by the size of the collection and the way it was presented. The Chairman asked if she would give another showing in a few years time to which she agreed.

Pauline shows part of her collection.

Members enjoying a closer look at Pauline's Penguins.

Bedford were the winners of the inter club quiz held at Leighton Buzzard in May 2002.

October 9th - Sue McEwan - Malay state of Jahore

Sue gave a display of over 200 sheets divided into two parts showing the first stamps of 1876 which were over-prints of the Strait Settlements. Revised in 1884 although again over printed. 1891 saw the first Jahore own issue and in; 1898 Jahore joined the U.P.U after a break for coffee Sue continued the display which included the Japanese Occupation. Censor marks, Postal stationery, Air Mails, and postcards, together with such scarce items as the 1933-34 essay.

Sue provided some light relief with the history of, the rule of Sultan Ibrahim, and stories of his reign some true and some sue felt, were; doubtful. All Members agreed it was a splendid evening.

November 5th - Steve Chilcraft - Cricket on Stamps

On a cold, wet, November evening Steve's display bought back memories of summer days by the village green, the sound of leather on willow and cries of "Owsat".. Cricket and cricketers are well represented on postage stamps, and as one of our member thought, it was to be an evening of Commonwealth. Not so as Steve was keen to point out, the first cricket stamps were issued by Cape Verde Islands. and since then many other non-commonwealth countries have issued stamps. The history of cricket was well documented. It was believed that matches were being played during the 18th century and the first test match took place in 1877. Steve showed almost 200 sheets of stamps although he admitted to having many more including F.D.C's. Members were grateful for a fascinating evening of Thematic's.

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