December 5th 2001
Seven members displayed their postcard
collections, Subject matter varied from the
Seychelles in the Indian Ocean to Aden and the
Channel Islands but the main subject of the
evening was old post cards of Leighton Buzzard,
The majority centered around the market cross, One
other item of local interest shown by Peter Noad
featured the story of Emily Pankhurst and her
daughter who lodged for a while in the village of
November 7th 2001
A visit from the Rickmansworth Philatelic
First to display was Paul de Vall with a varied
and complex history of the Postal system of Cyprus
from the 1878 Russian Turkish war through to the
British Occupation in 1924 and on to modern stamps
of the Island. Included in the collection were
refugee charity stamps, revenues of Turkey and
stamps of the B P O in Cyprus, The conflicts
within the Island made for a most interesting
display of postal material.
Next came John Hargrave with a complete collection
of the Ryuku Islands which are a strip of 55
Islands which run from Southern Japan to Formosa,
Stamps were produced after the occupation by
America after World War II. Early stamps were sold
only to residents of the Ryuku islands and
included in the collection were items of Forces
Mail. After the break John continued with a
display entitled A dynasty in decline, A
collection of letters stamps and postcards
involving the Austro Hungarian Kingdoms Starting
with the first stamps of Austria in 1850 and
including the countries of Bosnia, Italy, Rumania,
Turkey, Serbia and of course Austria and Hungary.
October 3rd
Two members from the Hemel Hempstead philatelic
Society came to show us some fine material
including The History of the Post Office with Post
cards, posters, and many other related items shown
by Roger Dymond. Bernie Makin displayed her
collection of Canal wildlife mainly stamps but
social items included pressed leaves, photographs
and press cuttings of the Grand union Canal.